Les effet de la technique Jones Strain Counterstrain sur une épaule douloureux opérée
Neuro Counterstrain Case Study
Submitted by: Steve Reiter
Bob is a 55 year old male S/P C5-C6 Discectomy and Fusion. The initial injury occurred about 3 months ago when the patient fell off a Mule down a cliff about 20 feet. The patient was progressing well post surgically when he had a violent sneeze which caused numbness, tingling and weakness in the Right upper extremity.
Right Shoulder AROM was limited as follows: Flexion 50%, Abduction 50%, IR/ER 25%. Patient’s MMT was grossly 3+ to 4-/5. Severe limitations in strength were noted when compared to the uninvolved UE. The patient’s Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score was noted to be initially a 50.82% disability.
First Treatment:
The patient’s initial scan showed to be predominantly Neural, Arterial and Visceral dysfunction. Having just taken the Neural Counterstrain course 2 weeks ago, I wanted to treat solely with this technique to see the power of Neural Fascial Manipulation. The results after the first treatment were simply remarkable. The patient demonstrated increases in AROM, reduction in pain and at least a ½ grade increase in MMT results in all planes that were tested.
Subsequent Treatments:
The second treatment focused on clearing up remaining Neural points and treatment of Arterial points. After the second treatment session the patient demonstrated near Full AROM and MMT in all planes. The third and fourth treatments consisted of Visceral, and remaining Arterial and Neural points, to clear some remaining medioscapular pain that the patient was experiencing.
The patient was discharged to his HEP consisting of scapular stabilization exercises and stretches. The patient reported no pain and demonstrated symmetrical AROM and strength when compared to the uninvolved UE with minimal weakness (5-/5) at the Right Bicep. The patient’s DASH score at discharge was noted to be 6.48% disabled.
This case demonstrated the power of Neural Counterstrain and the dramatic and immediate effects it can have on not only AROM and pain, but on strength as well.