
Technique Jones

formation Jones classic en France avec Kiné-formations

Counterstrain Fascial Avancé

Le Fascial Counterstrain  (FCS) est un système innovant de manipulation des tissus mous, développé par Brian Tuckey, l’un des physiothérapeutes à avoir été certifié par Lawrence Jones pour enseigner la technique. Il représente une évolution naturelle et un élargissement du travail initial du Dr Jones, enrichissant significativement la spécificité, l’étendue et l’efficacité de la technique du Strain […]

Counterstrain Fascial Avancé Lire la suite »

proposer et faire des soins kinés hors convention


Se former en Jones pour proposer des soins Hors Convention (HC)   Formateurs :   Marc ÉTIENNE, Kinésithérapeute. Instructeur certifié JONES.   Patrice SAPHY, Kinésithérapeute et Ostéopathe. Instructeur certifié JONES.   David BULLE, Kinésithérapeute et Ostéopathe. Instructeur certifié JONES.   Aude JASMIN CHAVIGNY, Kinésithérapeute. Formatrice et conseil en gestion financière, comptable et commerciale.   Description :


proposer et faire des soins kinés hors convention


Se former pour proposer des soins Hors Convention (HC) Les formations proposées par Kiné Formations permettent de proposer des actes hors convention en offrant aux kinésithérapeutes les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour exercer des actes en dehors du cadre conventionné. Ces formations visent à initier les professionnels à la construction d’une offre de soins hors


Webinaire : En quoi la Technique Jones peut-elle améliorer la prise en charge de mes patients ?

Webinaire : En quoi la Technique Jones peut-elle améliorer la prise en charge de mes patients ?

WEBINAIRE DE MARC ETIENNE ET DAVID BULLE 28/03/2024 – 12h30 Le 28 Mars prochain, Marc ETIENNE et David BULLE vous proposent de comprendre de quelle manière la Technique dite “Jones” permet une meilleure prise en Charge des patients. Remplissez le formulaire pour poser vos questions. Marc et David y répondront en priorité lors du WEBINAIRE.

Webinaire : En quoi la Technique Jones peut-elle améliorer la prise en charge de mes patients ? Lire la suite »

Jones Strain Counstrain basé sur l'évidence (evidence based)

Jones Strain Counstrain basé sur l’évidence (evidence based)

Strain counterstrain is an osteopathic manipulative technique about which research is only recently emerging. This master class reviews the evidence investigating proposed physiologic mechanisms and clinical effects of strain counterstrain. Clinical application guidelines are presented with specific treat- ments for key clinical scenarios. 1. Introduction Strain Counterstrain (SCS) is the fourth most commonly used osteopathic

Jones Strain Counstrain basé sur l’évidence (evidence based) Lire la suite »

Osteopathic Manipulation and Tight Hamstrings

Osteopathic Manipulation and Tight Hamstrings The purpose of this study was to correlate surface electromyography (EMG), palpatory findings, and hip range of motion in patients with a tight hamstring, before and after counterstrain release, an osteopathic manipulative treatment. 21 subjects age 16-57 were studied. Pretreatment forward and backward bending exercise was done to relieve stiffness

Osteopathic Manipulation and Tight Hamstrings Lire la suite »

Counterstrain and Traditional Osteopathic Examination of the Cervical Spine Compared

Counterstrain and Traditional Osteopathic Examination of the Cervical Spine Compared J.M. McParland and J.P. Goodridge Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, April 1997 – 1(3). 173-178 This study addresses five questions: what is the inter-examiner reliability of diagnostic tests used in strain-counterstrain (S-CS) technique; how does this compare with the reliability of the traditional osteopathic

Counterstrain and Traditional Osteopathic Examination of the Cervical Spine Compared Lire la suite »

Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment of Length of Stay for Prancreatitis: a randomized pilot study

Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment of Length of Stay for Prancreatitis : a randomized pilot study Radjieski JM, Lumley, MA, Cantieri, MS Michigan Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, USA There have been few randomized, controlled studies of the effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). I n this outcomes research study, the authors randomly assigned patients

Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment of Length of Stay for Prancreatitis: a randomized pilot study Lire la suite »

Intertester Reliability of Identifying Strain and Counter Strain Points

Intertester Reliability of Identifying Strain and Counter Strain Points The purpose of this pilot study was to determine the intertester reliability of identifying strain and counterstrain points between a certified instructor of the Jones Institute and clinicians with first- time didactic instructions of the technique. The data was then compared statistically to determine the reliability,

Intertester Reliability of Identifying Strain and Counter Strain Points Lire la suite »

The Effect of Strain-Counterstrain Therapy on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

The Effect of Strain-Counterstrain Therapy on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Michael R. Gay, 2001 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of strain-counterstrain therapy on the symptoms associated with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Data was collection on 30 healthy, non-weightlifting college students. (age: 22.5 +3.2 yrs., mass: 69.9 +16.09 kg., height:

The Effect of Strain-Counterstrain Therapy on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Lire la suite »

The Effect of Strain Counterstrain on Pain and Strength in Hip Musculature

The Effect of Strain Counterstrain on Pain and Strength in Hip Musculature Christopher Kevin Wong, MS, PT, OCS1 Carrie Schauer-Alvarez, MS, PT2 2004 This randomized, controlled study assessed the effect of Strain Counterstrain (SCS) on tender points (TP) and strength of hip musculature. The convenience sample included 49 volunteers (15 men, 34 women; 98 limbs),

The Effect of Strain Counterstrain on Pain and Strength in Hip Musculature Lire la suite »

Reliability, Validity and Effectiveness of Strain Counterstrain Techniques

Reliability, Validity and Effectiveness of Strain Counterstrain Techniques Chrisopher Kevin Wong, MS, PT, OCS Carrie Schauer, MS, PT This study examined the reliability and validity of a tender-point palpation scale (TPPS) and the effect of Strain Counterstrain (SCS) on painful tender points (TP). The experimental design employed a convenience sample of 49 volunteers with bilateral

Reliability, Validity and Effectiveness of Strain Counterstrain Techniques Lire la suite »

Immediate Effects of the Strain/Counterstrain Technique in Local Pain Evoked by Tender Points in the Upper Trapezius Muscle

Immediate Effects of the Strain/Counterstrain Technique in Local Pain Evoked by Tender Points in the Upper Trapezius Muscle Albert Atienza Meseguera, César Fernández-de-las-Peñasa, b,, Jose Luis Navarro-Pozaa, Cleofás Rodríguez-Blancoa, c and Juan José Boscá Gandiaa Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Clinical Chiropractic, September 2006, Vol 9, Issue 3, Pages 112-118 Summary Purpose The aim

Immediate Effects of the Strain/Counterstrain Technique in Local Pain Evoked by Tender Points in the Upper Trapezius Muscle Lire la suite »

Stretch Reflex and Hoffmann Reflex Responses to Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Subjects With Achilles Tendinitis

Stretch Reflex and Hoffmann Reflex Responses to Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Subjects With Achilles Tendinitis John N. Howell, PhD; Karen S. Cabell, DO; Anthony G. Chila, DO; David C. Eland, DO Context: Irvin M. Korr, PhD, hypothesized that sensitivity of the monosynaptic stretch reflex (ie, deep tendon reflex) plays a major role in the restriction-of-motion

Stretch Reflex and Hoffmann Reflex Responses to Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Subjects With Achilles Tendinitis Lire la suite »

Les changements dans le Trigger Points masséter suite au traitement Strain-Counterstrain ou selon le technique neuro-musculaire

Changes in Masseter Muscle Trigger Points Following Strain-Counterstrain or Neuro-Muscular Technique Jordi Ibáñez-García PT, DOa, Francisco Alburquerque-Sendín PT, DOa, b, Cleofás Rodríguez-Blanco PT, DOa, c, Didac Girao PT, DOa, Albert Atienza-Meseguer PT, DOa, Sergi Planella-Abella PT, COa and César Fernández-de-las Peñas PT, DO, PhD The aim of this study was to compare the immediate effects,

Les changements dans le Trigger Points masséter suite au traitement Strain-Counterstrain ou selon le technique neuro-musculaire Lire la suite »

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